Fruits Basket is an iconic Japanese manga series. A compilation film based on the anime series ‘Fruits Basket’ has been announced recently. If an anime becomes popular enough, it gets adapted into a film. Too many anime don’t get proper sequels or ending, yet, the stars align and the anime fans judge it worthy of anything more, then these treasures make their way to theatres. The series has a lot of fans who are looking forward to it.
When Will Be The Premiere Of The Compilation Film?
Fruits Basket manga officials revealed on October 29th,2021, that the anime will have a compilation film titled Fruits Basket -prelude. It will be released in Japanese theatres on February 18th. Kyoko and Katsuya’s Story, an anime series based on the manga, was previously announced as a spinoff last summer. The plot, which was part of the original manga but not featured in the animated version, will now be included in the compilation film. It is written by Natsuki Takaya. Fans are ecstatic as they will be able to see a completely new animated series.
Fruits Basket follows Tohru Honda, an orphaned student. She has managed to have a positive attitude despite numerous setbacks in her life. She is offered a place to stay at the home of Yuki Soma. He is an attractive and brilliant young man who is also the most popular boy at her school, after it is discovered that she is living alone in a tent in the woods. She then meets the rest of the Soma family.
The Soma family curse is also revealed to Tohru. When a member of their family is embraced by a person of a different gender, or their bodies are reduced to a weak and stressed state. They will transform into animals.
Where To Watch Fruits Basket Series?
Fans can watch the series on Funimation, Crunchyroll, and Hulu. Yen Press is presently distributing manga in North America. The upcoming prequel film will be available to watch on the same day that it is released in theatres.
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More About Fruits Basket Series!
The 13-episode final season of the Fruits Basket series aired in 2021. For the last season of the Fruits Basket series, the cast and crew from the previous seasons returned to reprise their roles. TMS Entertainment directed the animation, which was directed by Yoshihide Ibata. Taku Kishimoto wrote the dialogues, and Yu Shindo was in charge of character design. Music was composed by Masaru Yokoyama.
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Fruits Basket Anime Compilation Film Announced!
Source: Chika PH Buzz