It must be confusing to hear the name ‘Reborn As A vending Machine,’ a light novel series initially published in 2016. It is an Isekai anime with a quirk. However, it is trying to push all boundaries of the Isekai. The popular genre is offbeat because of which the writers are taking a whacky turn to subvert the expectation. What would happen next? Read this article till the end to learn more about Reborn as a Vending Machine.

We have known numerous Isekai anime that was made earlier, and currently, we tend to witness their satire, not Konosuba level but fancier ones. Reborn As A Vending Machine is going to be all about humour. Therefore, the entire gig regarding reincarnation is to have a ‘relatable’ character reincarnated to a new world with some cheat power out of the window. Although some fantastic animes have done great by breaking it, this can be entirely new territory. However, we are curious if it will have the intensity of ‘Kumo Desu Ka?’

Everything About Reborn As A vending Machine

The complete title of the manga is “Reborn As A Vending Machine I now Wander The Dungeon.” This can also be the premise, and you can imagine how the first few chapters of the light novel series would be. However, as most web books changed into light novels, this can be heavily RPG-inspired. The protagonist’s main drawback is that it cannot do anything on its own and is stuck in a dungeon of all places and because the protagonist cannot speak or talk, he has got to wait it out.

Maybe there is an omake in which the Vending machine waits forever and becomes univalent while waiting. And once it gets consumed by its malevolence, it becomes a demon lord vending machine and sprays juices everywhere in the races. Well, this will be one where you have no clue what will happen next but want to know it for sure. We are also excited to know this. Till then, stay tuned with us for further updates.

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Anime Adaptation of the light novel Reborn As A Vending Machine
Source: Chika PH Buzz